Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Time to bid farewell, a time to reflect..In another 2 days, it is
Goodbye to 2009!
A year of many achievements, failures, happiness, emotional outbreaks, surprises, disappointments, unity, separation.. A great year to remember, as we hold its memories close to our hearts.
Together as one, we have been through all these moments in Namma Family.

Cheers to another great year to add in our lifestory, Cheers to 2009!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HaLLoWeeN PaRty '09!

Where? 50L Faber HeighTs
When? 31st OcToBeR 2009. It's this SaTurDay!!
TiMe: 6pm
How much? $5 /- only!

It's another of Namma Family's whacky idea and we're sure gonna rock it again!!! Be prepared for a spooooo....oooky nite at Faber Crest!

RSVP via our tagboard and tell us what you're gonna dress up as! See you this Saturday!

sssshhh...we've lotsa spooky secrets aligned for you...It's definitely gonna be the best party you've ever attended...eeeh ya ha ha haa!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Deepavali is the premier festival celebrated by all Hindus in Malaysia . And amongst the many festivals observed by us only Deepavali is honoured with a national holiday. It is also the only day when we open our doors to all our non-Hindu friends.

Yet, a festival as significant as this has over the years degenerated into an irreligious orgy of gluttony and drunkenness. Is this what Deepavali is all about? Let's ponder awhile.

The History

In Puranic times, there was an evil king called Naragasuran. When his misdeeds became intolerable, the people prayed for divine intervention. In answer to their prayers, Lord Krishna destroyed the asuran. Lord Krishna then approached Naragasuran's mother to explain His actions. By then the news of the asuran's destruction had spread and the people had began to celebrate.

Thus by the time Lord Krishna approached her, Naragasuran's mother was reconciled to the fact that her son's destruction was necessary for the good of the people. Though her loss was great, she was prepared to sacrifice her son.

She therefore requested that the joy that the people were enjoying should not cease. Lord Krishna granted her, her wish and since then that day has been celebrated as Deepavali.

Naragasuran was destroyed on Chathurdasi Tithi (14 th moonday) in the month of Aipasi. Deepavali has been celebrated on this day since. This year [UTF-8?]â €“ 2009 [UTF-8?]– is an exception. This year Deepavali is being celebrated in the month of Purataasi, not Aipasi .

Thus Deepavali commemorates both the victory of Dharma (good) over adharma (evil) and the great sacrifice of a mother.

But Nagarasuran, the personification of all evil, is alive and well in all of us. He is represented by all the negative qualities inherent in us. He must, therefore, be destroyed, if we are to attainMoksha.

Deepavail is the occasion when we make conscious efforts to destroy the Nagarasuran within us. We can succeed only if, like Nagarasuran's mother, we are willing to make sacrifices.

The Celebration

On the eve of Deepavali, the home must be decorated with oil lamps to symbolise the victory of good over evil. The word deepavali is made up of the words deepam that means lamps and aavali. that means a row. Thus Deepavali means rows of lamps. The four components of an oil lamp have the following significance:

the lamp represents aram (dharma)

the oil represents porul (harta)

the wick represents inbam (kaama)

the flames represent veedu (moksha)

Aaram (virtuous living), porul (wealth), inbam (enjoyment) and veedu (God realisation) are the inherent rights of all men (and of-course women)

Wealth acquired and expended according to dharma will lead us to God.

Extravagance is not dharma . Therefore avoid all expenses incurred to impress relatives, friends and neighbours.

On Deepavali Day we should rise early and take an oil bath in warm water . Gingelly oil and warm water are specified since Mother Laxmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Mother Shakti, the Universal Mother will be present the oil and warm water respectively. Thus applying oil and bathing in warm water will bestow the blessings of both Mother Laxmi and Mother Shakti upon us.

Traditionally, the oil will be applied by the lady of the house, the personification of Mother Laxmi.

After the bath we should put on new clothes. The wearing of new clothes is an important part of Deepavali. Then, we should offer pooja to our family deities at home before seeking the blessings of our parents and other elders.

Then, we should visit the temple and seek the blessings of the Lord. Our efforts to overcome the negative forces that have been with us since birth can be better accomplished with the blessings of God. With His support we cannot fail.


Giving alms to the needy is an important part of Deepavali. It is especially auspicious to donate new clothes to the needy. Remember the giving away of used clothes that we have no use for is neither a sacrifice nor dharma.

Ancestor Worship

It is also common to make offerings to our pitirs (ancestors) during Deepavali. This practice probably came about since Deepavali is celebrated on ammavasai day that is dedicated to pitir worship. In time the two events merged into a single celebration.

Remembering and worshiping our ancestors is an important duty of all girihastas (Householders)


Another common practise nowadays is the consumption of non-vegetarian food during Deepavali. This is unhindu. Hindus have always been vegetarian on all holy days. Deepavali is no exception.

In fact, there are many reasons why we must observe vegetarianism on Deepavali Day even if we do not believe in Ahmisa . Not only does Deepavali fall on an ammavasai day, on which Hindus normally fast, it also falls on the day after the monthly Shivaratri Pooja , a fast dedicated to Lord Shiva. In addition the following day marks the beginning of the Kantha Sasti Fast- a six day fast dedicated to Lord Muruga.

Hindus always observe vegetarianism on these days. Thus Deepavali cannot be non-vegetarian festival.

This Deepavali thrill your friends with our excellent vegetarian cuisine. Spare the chicken and goats. Let them enjoy Deepavali too. Sacrifice meat-eating!


The consumption of intoxicating liquor is also against our dharma. It is therefore unHindu to consume or even serve liquor. The common excuse that our non-Hindu guests expect it, only exposes our lack of knowledge and commitment towards the basic tenets of our ancient religion.

Our friends must respect our religion just as we respect theirs.

Therefore, this Deepavali serve only soft drinks. Not only is this in conformity with our religion but is also cheaper and healthier.

We Hindus have always taken great pride in the significance of our religious practices especially our fasts and festivals. In keeping with this ancient tradition let us pledge to celebrate this Deepavali bearing in mind that it is an occasion for spiritual upliftment through sacrifice.

This Deepavali let us purify ourselves by sacrificing some, if not all, of our negative qualities. Let us honour our ancient traditions by practising it. Let us also set proper examples for our children and grandchildren to follow. Let us make this Deepavali meatless and liquor free.

Happy Deepavali to all of you!

-excerpts from speeches of Sri Muthukumara Kurukkal

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Heloooo everyone!!!

I was sitting down and thinking when i got this idea...LETS CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN TOGETHER!! :)

Halloween is on 31 october..and it falls on a saturday this year.. Its after deepavali and most of us would have ended our exams too...Wad do u guyz think bout this idea?? We can have a dress up party with foods and games to go along with the theme :)

Please leave your thoughtz about the this idea on the tagboard ;)


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beautiful memories from Namma Family Summer Camp '09!

Dear Kuttis, continue to keep Namma Family Spirit Rocking and do
well in your examinations!

Enjoy the pictures!
Team Namma Koottamz!
Team Championz!
Team Power Kidz!

Namma Family Rocks!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vanakkam to All in Namma Family!

Hope everyone's doing Great! I am doing good too.. Honestly, I am very overwhelmed by all your support to Namma Family Blog. We are reaching 3 years and that's quite a success folks..Kudos to all of you!

Ok, our blog is open once again. So we dont have to sign in and we will continue to spread the love and joy of Namma Family to our beloved ones around us. That's sweet ya? But, we have to bear in mind some bloggers etiquette too. So here goes,

i) When leaving a comment in our tagboard, please identify yourself so that we know you. Yea, you are welcome to display your funky titles (like Sarvesh- our cool boy) but don't forget to display your real name too.

ii) well, needless to say, no foul languages and derogatory comments. But in this aspect, I love you guys coz we are a bunch of fun loving people and we never had this problem!

3 cheers to Namma Family Blog! I am thinking of a 3rd Year Anniversary Celebrationz to commemorate the success of Namma Family Blog..ah haaa! ;)

Keep yourselves posted my loved ones, and I will promise to keep posting ;)

You guys truly rock my world!

Namma Family Rockz!

Lots of love,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wishing dear Vishalani a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAE!!!! have blast on ur sweet 16th!! Keep smiling dear sis ;) We love u :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Namma Family Goes Walking!

Where? At HortPark
When? Saturday 9am

meet in clementi at 8.15am or meet at HortPark directly at 9am..

How to get to the HortPark Singapore by train or bus?

Alight at HarbourFront NEL MRT Station (NE1)
Take bus number 61, or 93, or 100, or 166 , or 963
Walk into the small road, No.33 Hyderabad Road from the bus stop at Alexandra Road

See you there!

Namma Family Rocks! ;)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Our Birthday Darling!

Happy Birthday Loshi!!!
Wishing you lots of happiness and success in all your endeavours!

Many more happy returns of the day!

Go on reaching for the peak of your successes..We are right behind you!

Lots of love,
Namma Family

Friday, July 24, 2009

Anand Bro's Playing the Vasantham's New GAme Show!!
Hey guys, let us go down to support our bro this Sunday 26th July as he plays the new gameshow in Vasantham!!

The 'shooting' starts at 9am!
See you all there folks! Please RSVP in our discussion board ya ;)

Saturday, July 04, 2009

One day, a son asks his dad "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?". The father says "yes".
And they run their first marathon together.

Another time, the son asks his dad again "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?". The father says "yes son".

One day, the son asks his father " Daddy, would you run the Ironman with me?"
The Ironman is the most difficult triathlon ever (4 kms swimming, 180 kms biking, 42 km running)

And the dad says "yes".
The story looks simple until you watch the following clip. Just amazing, how much can love be....

Monday, June 15, 2009

A small touching story..

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his
5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"

DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?" replied the man.

SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"

DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
the man said angrily.

SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an

DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour."

SON: "Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down.

SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?"

The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you
can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then
you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about
why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this
childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little
boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?

After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to
think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that
$50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to
the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

"Are you asleep, son?" He asked.

"No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy.

"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier" said the man.

"It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the
$50 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" He yelled.

Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry
again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up
at his father.

"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.

"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied.

"Daddy, I have $100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?

Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he
begged for his forgiveness.

It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.

Do remember to share that $100 worth of your time with someone you love.

If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily
Replace us in a matter of days.

But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the
rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
into work than to our family.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Its tyme to have fun again!! Latest gathering is gonna be held this saturdae, 13th June 2009!! Its a barbeque and sleepover :)

Place: Faber Crest Condominium
Time: After 4.30

Remember to bring ur swimming constumes kay?? lets go swimming!!
Bring along ur pyjamas and change of clothes for the sleepover :)
Also bring along games and all so we can all have fun together!

It will be a gr8 help if u guyz could bring along stuff like paper plates and cups...syrup cordial and ice..dinner is potluck and bbq :D

There might not be a chalet but nothing is going to stop us from having fun!!!! :)
Its tyme to rock again!

anything can call me at 92473532(Vaish) or 68739847

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Namma Family T-shirt Designs!!!

  1. Material: Cotton (confirmed)
  2. Colour: White? Blue?

Designs by Vaishnavi, Saras Akka (aka Papa) and Loshi ..if you've got more designs, do send them in to

I like the side, waves design for the front and the winged design for the back. So angelic!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Greetings to all in Namma Family!

Unfortunately, June Chalet has been cancelled as it has been held back for the quarantine cases no thanks to the H1N1 flu... :(

Someone, please plan something for all in Namma Family this June Holidays!!

And well, Upcoming birthdays..

2nd June- Ganesan bro, Vijaya Aunt
4th June- Dharshini
17th June- Pravin Raj
19th June- Letchman

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Kogilaakka !
Wishing you all the great things in life,
And we hope this birthday will bring you
An extra share of all that makes you happiest.
May the years continue to be good to you. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Nivyha Darling!!
Wishing you lots of happiness and success in all that you do...
Go ahead and live your dreams girl!
We are with you!!
Namma Family Rocks!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Namma Family's Mothers' Day @ West Coast Park yesterday was a blast!! It was super fun and guys, I am in pain now no thanks to the sabotage on the 'seated-flying fox'...ggrgh.. hehe ;)

Gonna upload the photos tonight so stay tuned and keep yourselves posted! Oh yea, the next big thing's gonna be Namma Family Chalet on the 7th and 8th June (Sun - Mon).. so let's prepare to party again!

Meantime, all the best to all our studying ones and DO WELL in your on-going examinations! Working adults, let us all work hard and look forward to Namma Family Chalet to rock on once again!!

T-shirt designs are really coming in fast and do keep them coming at Danny and Loshy, I cant seem to find your designs! oops..please try send them in again ;) And yup, hopefully we can have the t-shirt for Namma Family Chalet!

Cheers to all the fun I had with my beloved Namma Family!! You totally rock my world!

Namma Family Rocks!

Lotsa love,

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Wishing all Mothers in Namma Family a very Happy Mothers' Day!
Come together as we celebrate Mothers' Day together with Mothers from 3 Generations!!
Venue: Blk 506 Bukit Batok Grandma's house at 12pm!

It's a Potluck!!
See you there very sooooon.. :)

Before I was myself you made me, me

With love and patience, discipline and tears,

Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,

Allowing me to sail upon my sea,

Though well within the headlands of your fears.

Before I was myself you made me, me

With dreams enough of what I was to be

And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,

Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,

Relinquishing your powers gradually

To let me shape myself among my peers.

And being good and wise, you gracefully

As dancers when the last sweet cadence nears

Bit by bit stepped back to set me free.

For love inspires learning naturally

The mind assents to what the heart reveres.

And so it was through love you made me, me

By slowly stepping back to set me free.


Namma Family Rocks!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Salutationz நம்ம Family!

Let's collate an upcoming birthday list with effect from today! If you know of நம்ம Family member's birthday coming up in the next one month, do let me know in our tagboard!

Apr 22nd- Vasugi Anni, Angie Akka
Apr 28th- Sona
Apr 29th- Mahalakshme
May 6th- Dhanishvar
May 13th- Nivyhasshini
May 17th- Kogilawani

Namma Family Rocks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Congratulations Saran!!
Saran scored the final winning shot in yesterday's, 14th Apr 09, Badminton Quarter finals against Lakeside Primary and that paved way for his school, Xingnan Primary into the Inter-school Badminton Semifinals!!
Hooray Saran!
Namma Family is Proud of You!
Namma Family Rocks!

Monday, April 13, 2009

heloooo!! :D its me vaish!

hmm..there have been many requests for a Namma Family T shirt..its an awesome and cool idea to have one :D...however we need designs and also need to know how many of u are also keen on the idea.. :) please do inform if u are interested to own one of these t shirts k? I will check on the price and inform u all soon :) oh oh and also feel free to send in any designs! it will be of great help!
hehe ;) namma family rocks!

Love, Vaish :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

வணக்கம் நம்ம Family!

To all my 18 campers out there, you guys simply rocked in நம்ம Family Summer Camp 09! Three Cheers to all of you! -Maha, Sheearam, Gabby, Sona, Shalu, Sarvesh, Danny, Shakti, Kaanu, Nivya, Saran, Shantini, Loshi, Pravin, Sanjay, Jayram, Viki and Vaishnavi! I really love you guys and I sincerely wish all of you from the bottom of my heart. May the God be with you always and all the best as you all rise to Greater Heights!

Thanks to the great response and aid from our parents to support such a great opportunity for all of you guys to unleash your creativity, fun-spirit, love and commitment to Namma Family Spirit!! Special thanks extended to our facilitators Mum, Anand bro, Usha akka, Saras akka, Angie akka, Raj bro, and Audrey who guided and facilitated our campers throughout the camp.

நம்ம Family Summer Camp '09 was a tremendous success and nothing would have beeen possible without you!

Namma family rocks!

நம்ம Family Summer Camp 2009!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Salutations to all in Namma Family!!

And now, details of our highly anticipated upcoming camp unleashed!

Namma Family's Summer Camp 2009!

When? April 10 (Thur 9pm) - April 11 (Fri 7pm)
Where? Changi SAF Chalet
For whom? All kuttis in Namma Family!
What to bring?
1) Pyjamas/sleep attire for one night
2) 1 toothbrush
3) 2 sets of clothes
4) 1 small blanket
5) cap
6) 1 packet of sweets/tidbits for potluck
7) 1 storybook
8) 1 BATH TOWEL!!!
9) 1 photo of yourself and your family- for Namma Family TREE!! any photo will do!

So start packing your bag and see you on Thursday!

Till we meet again,

Namma Family Rocks!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Tribute to our very special Achi Gummo

Life will never be the same without you
In functions, in barbeques, in picnics

No more, will we ever get to indulge in your food,
No more, will we hear your laughter,
No more, will we get chided by you as we tickle you..

Nothing seemed impossible, with you around
From the odd hours for thaipusam and theemithi, to the fun zoo and orchard trips, to long distances to Larkin or Ayer Hitam..

You took care of us like our mother and pampered us like our father
You seemed to us like the best of both worlds
Given a pet name you accepted whole-heartedly, who can ever replace you our dearest Achi Gummo..

This day, Namma family loses a special member
the very essence of our family spirit, right from the kampong days
A bubbly person, full of cheerfulness and lots of love for us all..

And now as you leave us, in all our hearts, a piercing pain
Sadness overwhelms,
leaving tears behind, as your lifestory unfolds
A great life you have lived, a truly wonderful woman you have been..

And now, as you become one with God,
We pray that your soul rests in peace.
Don’t worry about us all, we will definitely make our family proud.

We love you..

~ on behalf of Namma Family

What is home without a mother?
All things I can get in this world,
But when I realise the loss,
I lost my dearest fiesty friend
-Saras (aka Papa)
My dear Perimma,

As I recall my childhood, you were almost every part of it..

Your arms cuddled me, when I was younger..
Your hands held me, taking me along everywhere you went..
You sheltered me during my school holidays..
You brought me to queue for NDP tickets..
You stood by me, when I was teased a blackie..
You supported me, when my grandmothers scolded me..
You believed in me, and I always followed you..

As I grew older, you were always there to encourage me

You were proud of me..
You prepared special weekend breakfast for me..
You spoke so highly of me to your colleagues as we met in NTU..
You were the first person I came riding to when I had just gotten my new bike..
You were also the first person I told that I was going to pursue my Masters overseas..

Because all along I knew, you will always be there for me, with words of encouragement for me, be truly happy for me..

Now that I know I cant see you anymore, I search for your photo, to see your face, once again..
To see the face that always glowed with so much of joy and cheerfulness..
Recollecting the last few words you spoke to me, it will constantly ring in my ears..

Noone can ever replace you..
A very special place in my heart, you will always reside in..
I miss you, so so badly..
I love you perimma..
அன்புடன் ,