Namma Family's Christmas Party 2008!!!
A hub for Namma Family! All members of Namma Family come together here for an update of all our family functions and gatherings. Fun and candid shots of our folks can be found here..Let us cherish those wonderful moments we spent together..A great channel to keep us linked! Namma family rocks!
The beautiful shot taken by Shekar uncle...
The Bdae boy, Shiv with Daddy..
Sweetie thangatchis... ;)
Now that was a get-together after sooo long! haha...And well, together we had so much of fun..
Can anyone even forget how sentimental our Kumar bro got during the solemnisation, with tears welled up in his eyes?? So sweeeeet!!
And how the registrar politely demanded our kind attention?? So embarrassing..
hehe.... Kudos to the most happening family in town!